Erin Starr Presents:
Fragmented Planet
We no longer wonder what will happen as the result of climate change, we are living in a climate crisis. While politics and big oil companies continue to “FUEL” this crisis, they are not being held accountable for the lives they have shattered, while knowing for decades they have been destroying Earth.
This body of work reflects empty lands, scorched, flooded, and burned. It is the dire cry of Mother Nature trying to protect what is hers from greed as she looks out across the landscapes in the paintings. The paintings depict different environmental scenarios from the rainforest, desert, to the ocean. I have felt disappointed by our country’s elected officials as of 2025 and my body of work has taken a turn to a darker more honest scenario. We watch a new disaster happen weekly and displace thousands of lives across the planet, while they dismantle anything that could have helped make progress. I feel my message needs to scream rather than beckon.
Is there HOPE?
This fragmented planet exhibit moves into a second room, the lights are dim, each painting emits its own light, a portal to another place. While we are broken on this planet can we dream of another place, a portal of hope or escape. Circles surround us, from the beginning of our universe, the solar system, to the lifecycle of living things. A circle is balance, a place, a portal, a life. Please enter….
Erin Starr
Erin Starr, Mother Nature, 2024, Acrylic, organza fabric, ink, gold leaf flake on linen $2500
While we have spent hundreds of years living on a planet that is vastly lead by men, historically it is women who have had some of the most profound voices. After all, our planet is “MOTHER EARTH”. While the climate crises unfold around us, much to the fault and greed of wealthy men, we look towards Mother Nature. How can she withstand this crisis, will she outlast humans? However mythical a goddess or the mother of nature is, it is a fact that the genes of all living things are connected. Perhaps that is why itis a mother who oversees all our planet. It is her silent but enormous voice that will rise above the greed and the pollution caused by men. She will carry on and right their mistakes after they are gone.
Erin Starr, What Remains, 2024, Acrylic, ink, gold pigment powder, reflective beads, on linen, $2400
Our Fragmented Planet is our story
The Temperatures are rising
The ground is burning
The oceans are warming
The rivers are flooding
Land is uninhabitable
People are displaced
Wildlife is endangered
The climate crisis is upon us
Our story is ending
We cannot rewrite it; greed wrote it for us
Erin Starr
Erin Starr, Mother Nature Will Remember, 2024, Acrylic, gold leaf marker, gold leaf flakes, ink on linen, $2500
1. “Floods pose the highest acute risk of climate-induced deaths. Floods could take as many as 8.5 million people’s lives by 2050, according to the report.”
2. Droughts – prolonged periods with very low or no rainfall represent the second- highest cause of mortality. By 2050, they are expected to cause as many as 3.2 million deaths.”
3. “Heat waves are prolonged periods of extreme temperatures and humidity. The report finds that these have the greatest economic impact, estimated at $7.1 trillion by 2050. By 2050, heat waves are forecast to account for nearly 1.6 million deaths – mostly in the highest-risk are
Erin Starr is an award-winning international artist residing in Barrington, Rhode Island. During her artist career she has shown her work in over 150 shows globally, including numerous solo shows in the United States, Germany, and Belgium. Erin Starr is an elected artist member of the Artist League of Rhode Island, Hera Gallery, the National Association of Women Artists, and Shared Habitat Earth, and Little Van Gogh in Germany and Belgium. Erin’s paintings belong to private collections around the world, including in South Korea, Canada, Germany, Israel, Belgium, France, Spain, Nepal, and the United States.