My journey into the artist world has ebbed and flowed, due to insecurities, focusing on other interests or just genuinely not being interested. Up until this point in my life, I distanced myself from the arts. “I could not make a living, it’s just a hobby, it would not amount to anything.” There are many factors as to why things do not work out the way one might intend, some in our control and some out of our control. over time I have realized that no matter what the intended outcome, no matter what you think will happen, you have to try. Life constantly changes and does not stop for anything. We grow, change, suffer, and succeed.
UNDULATION reflects my inner struggles in trying to comprehend life’s constant inconsistencies, while maintaining a path. when I look at this piece, I look at the way in which the “Wood’ flows from one end to the other. The path which my eye takes is entirely up to me and will look different to everyone. this is just a slice of time, what happens before and after is specific to the viewer.
My intentions as an artist is to be competent across multiple mediums. Typically I will choose paint to create a work, which usually depicts elements of nature. one area of art that is ambiguous to me is sculpture. I choose to combine the two in order to make faux wood out of chipboard and explore the ways in which I can manipulate the pieces to create a path the eye can follow. through the act of painting the chipboard, vcutting up pieces, and adhering them to a larger canvas, I am able to use the process as exploration, hoping to create a tangible reflection of life’s uncertainties and outcomes.
UNDULATION, chipboard, acrylic paint, sand, nails, semi-gloss, 72.5” x 33.5” x 2.5”