Hera Gallery Presents: 32nd Biennial Young Adult Exhibition

1st Place Post Card Winner: Greta Dahl
The 32nd Biennial Young Adult Exhibition features 9 – 12th grade students throughout the state, offering young artists a unique opportunity to present their original artwork to the community in a professional gallery setting. Nearly 100 public and private school artists will be featured in this three week long exhibition showcasing a wide range of techniques and creative expressions in drawing, painting, sculpture, mixed media and photography.
Awards Juror, Kevin Gilmore, interdisciplinary artist, & URI, RISD, RWU, AMC Educator, will select a Best of Show and 1st Place in Painting/ Mixed Media, Black & White, 3D/Ceramics, Portrait, & Photography. This year’s postcard features the winner of our postcard competition, Greta Dahl for her color pencil drawing titled Hummingbird. The 2nd place winner is Mia Hodge with Spaced Out and 3rd goes to Ella Grace Toler with Amy Love Portrait. First, Second and Third Place winners have their work featured on our exhibition flier.
Participating Schools: North Kingstown High, Exeter West Greenwich High, Lincoln High School, East Greenwich High School, The Lincoln School, & South Kingstown High School
Postcard Competition Winners
Juror Selections & Notes
Dear Artists,
Congratulations to all of you for submitting to the 32nd Biennial Young Adult Exhibition at Hera Gallery, and thank you for sharing your work with me as your juror. Participation in an exhibition such as this is a major accomplishment for each and every one of you, and hopefully just the beginning. Keep going…keep creating. The world needs you and the work you are making! One more thank you to the incredible art educators that have clearly inspired and fostered creativity and art making in their classrooms, and have given such individual attention and energy to the brilliant artists in this show. As an artist who found my own angsty, confused teenager way through high school within the walls of the high school art rooms, your work is imperative! Keep teaching…keep inspiring. A note on my selection process: I spent a few hours at the gallery looking at each work. I use a simple device of examining each individual artwork along two main categories - form + content. Form being “how” the work was created, (ie. Materials, media type , size, scale, formal elements like line, value, color) and Content being “what” the work is about. Thinking about these two categories, I look for work that exhibits excellence in both of these categories, allowing room to shift the midpoint between the two. That is to say, some artists focus more on form, some more on content, and or course, the infinite variables between them.
Congratulations again to the winners, and to all participating artists! It has been a wonderful experience examining and enjoying your work, and looking for the hidden gems contained within.
Your Juror,
Kevin Gilmore,
MFA Faculty: University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island School of Design, Roger Williams University, Anna Maria College